March 17, 2010

The path to crime

As I talked with other criminals, I noticed that many of us followed the same path in life. We weren’t born criminals. We developed the errors in thinking and perception that ultimately lead to irresponsible and criminal behavior. A criminal mind doesn’t just happen - it is planted, cared for, fostered, and grown to full bloom.

Early in life we developed erroneous thoughts and perceptions that led us to make a series of choices to live a life that we soon found exciting; a life in which we were determined to do whatever we wanted; a life where we ignored the restraints and morals taught to us by our family and society. As children, many of us were extremely energetic and adventurous. We had an iron-will and often insisted on taking charge. We would become angry or upset when others didn’t do as we expected. We took risks. We became entangled in lies and difficulties, and then demanded to be bailed out and forgiven when we were caught.

As teenagers, our image was everything. Many of us were involved in gangs. Our friends were much more important than our self, so we often did stupid things in an attempt to be liked and accepted. As a teenager, I can recall many times when I did things that I knew I shouldn’t do in an effort to be liked. I shoplifted a dozen cigarette lighters so that my friends and I could each have two. I started smoking so that everyone would think that I was cool. I stole an expensive bracelet and gave it to a girl I was trying to impress. And each time that I did one of these things to boost my self-image, it was at the expense of my self-esteem.

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