April 12, 2010

Controlling our thinking

It can be extremely helpful to develop and continually use specific visualizations, ideas, thoughts, affirmations, or even childhood songs in order to help us redirect our thinking and replace irresponsible or criminal thoughts. When confronted with inappropriate thoughts, we can then use these replacements to automatically refocus our conscious thinking. We may choose to visualize ourselves responsibly achieving some long term goal, or to automatically think about our mother, our family, or God. We may even choose to personally create some positive affirmation - a statement such as, “I am a responsible individual and when I control my thinking, I control my life” - which is in line with reality, the principles of change, and our purpose in life. However, in order for these things to become fully effective in redirecting our thinking and reprogramming our subconscious mind, they must become automatic deterrents to irresponsible thinking - they must be programmed into our subconscious mind through repetition and become habits themselves.


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