May 27, 2010


In order for us to truly be successful in life, we must take responsibility for our future, consistently set realistic and responsible goals, and then actively work to achieve them. Developing and working towards responsible goals can help us develop self-discipline and enhance our self-esteem. It can also give us something concrete by which we can gauge our progress in life. Our achievements will then be like milestones on the road to creating a meaningful life.

However, we must not get so blinded by our goals that we fail to pay attention to the process by which we achieve them. As far as responsible living is concerned, it is this process which is of utmost importance. We should always focus on the little steps that are necessary to achieve our goals and struggle to build a successful life like we would a house - one brick at a time. I have found that the process by which we succeed often provides even more satisfaction than the success itself. And, responsible goals are much easier to meet when they are broken into smaller, more easily-handled pieces.

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