March 24, 2010

Capriciousness can be seen in many people

To a certain degree, capriciousness can be seen in many people. It is characterized by impulsive and erratic behavior. And it can be seen in the competing thoughts and desires that sabotage any type of goal or resolution. For example, it is demonstrated when a person resolves to go on a diet one day only to go on an eating binge the next. A capricious person may even go on a diet and exercise program which lasts for days or weeks. But eventually, their thinking and desires will change (usually with the help of excuses and justifications) and they’ll revert back to their old unhealthy ways of life. This can happen even when they have been told by their doctor that this could kill them. Some people may call this a lack of will power, but I will call it what it really is - a lack of conviction; a conviction for a healthy way of life. Similarly, we as criminals have a lack of conviction for a responsible way of life. And, just like some people spend their lives on and off of diets, many criminals spend their lives in and out of prison.

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