April 5, 2010

Re-programming our Subconscious Mind

Because of our human abilities of self-awareness and self-examination, we are not simply the sum of our past thoughts, feelings and perceptions. We are not limited to, or bound by, our subconscious programming. We have the ability to stand apart from ourselves, examine our programming, and use our conscious awareness, imagination, and limitless potential in order to develop a new perspective on life. We can form new attitudes, beliefs and values. We can create new habits that are more positive and productive. We can think about our thinking, have feelings about our feelings, and even develop a perception of our own perceptions, but only if that is what we consciously want to do. We can only override all of the negative things stored in our subconscious mind, and rewrite our programming, if we make the consistent effort necessary in order to responsibly control our thinking.

As with any computer, the output of our subconscious mind will always equal its input. Thus, it is critical that we become extremely careful of what we allow ourselves to consciously think or fantasize about. Because it is our conscious input that will actually write or program the influential output of our subconscious mind. Personally, I have even gone as far as to quit listening to any music which may have any irresponsible, immoral, or criminal lyrics - or which causes me to think or feel this way. And I have begun listening to more uplifting music. I don’t watch any television shows or movies that may promote irresponsible or criminal thinking. I also refuse to talk or listen to anyone whose vocabulary consists mainly of four-letter words. And I don’t hang around anyone who suggests irresponsible or criminal behavior. I simply do not want to think about these things. I have a tough enough time without someone planting these thoughts in my head.


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